Migrating my old WordPress blog posts to my current site

My travel blog website domain is set to expire and I’m faced with a decision of whether to renew or

Feeling Undateable in NYC: When your job title triggers your imposter syndrome

I recently rejoined the online dating pool and one of the most ubiquitous sections – my job title – continues

The year I carried two journals

If you want to write more, try using a “crap” journal. This tip is especially helpful for perfectionists.

What I bought in 2023

Progress report on reaching the pinnacle of “buying nothing”

2023 recap of books I read

I didn’t want to end the year without posting at least once, so here’s my half-baked 2023 recap of books

How Slovenia kick started my hitchhiking adventures

A story about how poor planning can sometimes lead to surprising rewards

How to cut the cord, cancel cable and port a landline to Google Voice

One of the things I wished I could have done before I left for my multi-year trip was cancel some

Why I donated my expiring Asia Miles to charity

Do you have a pile of Asia Miles about to become obsolete? This may be an unconventional way to use

Reflections on Two Years Abroad As A Traveler Turned Expat

When I left New York back in October of 2018, I went in a hurry because I feared that if

Bulk Shopping in Yogyakarta

With a little bit of effort, anyone can bulk shop in Yogyakarta, locally known as Jogja. Jojga is full of

A day in a cafe with a laptop in Yogyakarta

Since Indonesia lifted lockdown regulations and moved toward a “new normal,” I’ve been on the hunt for peaceful cafes with

when your first world passport becomes obsolete, (not) traveling post-Covid19

Ever since America disappointed the world with their terrible management of Covid19, the American passport pretty much went for a

the birth of my blog

Why do I want to start a blog? Whenever I meet other travelers, I always have so much to share